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How Zahir stays in shape off-season

Actualizado: 16 ago

When off season , Zahir spends time learning new drills workouts

Learning from different coaches like Kevin Whitted, Jeffrey Johnson, his brother Cesar Gutierrez and Alan Bosquez

Check my 1 hour workout

“Zahir has been working with Kevin Whitted , former PRO player and G league coach Twitter @RealKevWhitted


When off HS season , Zahir spends time learning new drills workouts

Zahir working with Jeffrey Johnson

Jeff Is former college and professional player at

No days off.

Zahir with Nathan Hoover, former Div I player at Wofford and Pro player in Europe

IG nathan_hoover

Zahir with with his mentor and brother Cesar at the Gym improving shooting form- November 2022

Need cold bath to recover my legs, also


In order to stay the best in shape possible, I take Infrared therapy to reduce inflammation due to high intensity workouts , this way my body can recovery and be ready for next set of runs.

I use NORMATEC compression boots to recovery . Fresh legs faster

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